Zurich Futura Review 2024 | Best Whole of Life Insurance in UAE

Picture a life insurance that does much more than simply paying a death claim.

What if it also acted as a reliable income replacement strategy, or an efficient tool to compliment your retirement savings?

That's right, life insurance isn't just about providing a safety net; it can be a versatile financial tool that enhances your life in multiple ways.

Here is a Life insurance that gives you more!

Zurich Futura - Life Insurance that can go far and beyond. -1

Introducing Zurich Futura!

In UAE there are there are many choices, but Zurich Futura is different.

It is a comprehensive life insurance with useful riders that enhance the scope of the plan. It also provides access to some of the best investment funds to grow your capital.

Overall Futura is designed to fit seamlessly into your life and financial plans.

Here is an unbiased and expert review of Zurich Futura Life Insurance.

Who Should Consider Zurich Futura Life Insurance?

It may be suitable for your, of you are 

  • Less than 45 years of age
  • Looking for a Life Insurance and other living benefits for more than 25 - 30 years
  • Interested in a policy that provides the best of both - Investment and Comprehensive Life Insurance 
  • Can afford to pay the premiums over the next 10 - 15 years
  • Looking for a highly adaptable and customisable investment that can grow and adapt to your changing life situations

Isnt Term Insurance better-3

Isn't Term Insurance better?

Term Insurance is no doubt efficient and affordable.

You may find many Finfluencers on the internet swearing that Term Insurance is always better.

And they would be right in West and East; where residents have robust social benefits, mandatory pensions and other state sponsored health care benefits. 

For Eg: In India, the mandatory contribution to EPF by the employer and employee is 12% each, Which means, 24% of the person's salary is invested a safe and compounding investment for decades. This grows to be a huge sum to secure their financial future post-retirement.

There are similar plans and other social benefits in many other countries . 

However in the UAE, a majority of expats to not have such benefits yet. They rely on the employer sponsored medical insurance, which is only valid as long as they are employed. Also employer sponsored pension plans are still not popular in the UAE. 

This plan provides the best of both words, it provides a comprehensive life cover, critical illness and disability cover for the whole life. And it allows you to build cash value, that you can withdraw by surrendering the beneifs, when you no longer need the insurance cover. 

Scope of the Plan

Futura is primarily designed to pay a cash lump sum on death. It also has an array of additional living benefits, also known as riders.

They payout in case you are unable to earn due to severe illness, accident, disability, or hospitalisation.

These riders are optional; You can add them for a small extra cost, to enhance the scope of your policy and securing a comprehensive cover. 

Here is a list of riders

  • Critical Illness Cover: Futura in UAE includes 36 Critical Illnesses, including children's critical illnesses benefit.
  • Family income benefit - A series of regular payments are paid in the event of the death of the insured. The term of family-income benefit can be up to 40 years from the inception of the policy. 
  • Fixed-Term Income Benefit - A series of regular payments are paid in the event of the death of the insured. The term of family-income benefit can be up to 40 years from the time of a death claim.
  • The accidental death benefit - Is paid in addition to the life cover, where the life insured dies as a result of an accident.
  • Hospitalization benefit - Is payable if the life insured is hospitalized for more than three consecutive days. This benefit is valid up to the age of 70.
  • Accidental dismemberment benefit - Pays a lump sum if the life insured loses sight or limb as the result of an accident.
  • Permanent and total disability benefit - Pays a lump sum amount if the life insured is diagnosed as permanently and totally disabled.
  • Waiver of premium benefit - Zurich will waive your premiums if you are unable to work through accident or illness.
  • Free Airplane cover - Is paid if the life insured dies as a fare-paying passenger on a commercial airline. This benefit is provided free of charge.

Bespoke Plan for the Unique You

Zurich Futura - Bespoke CUSTOMISATION for the unique you

Each of us has different protection needs, budgets, and life situations.

Zurich Futura offers high levels of customisation to suit your unique needs and budgets. As a financial advisor, I can help tailor the benefits to perfectly align with your specific requirements.

Whether you need to adjust coverage amounts, add riders to enhance the scope of your policy, or choose how long you want to pay the premiums for, Zurich Futura provides the flexibility to make it happen.

Futura can be designed to not only fit in to your current circumstances but it can also evolve as your life changes.

Secure your future with the best Whole Life Insurance - Book a discovery call now.

Investment Opportunities

Zurich Futura provides access to a wide range of investment funds to help grow your wealth:

  • Zurich Managed Funds
  • Index Funds
  • Equity Funds: - Including India equity funds 
  • Bond Funds:
  • Sharia Compliant Funds

International Protection

Zurich Futura provides protection even if you move permanently to another country, subject to certain exclusions based on your travel and residency history.

Who Can Apply?

All UAE residents over 18 can apply for Zurich Futura. Companies or trusts can also avail this plan for their employees, directors, partners, and trustees. The plan can be availed on a Single Life, Joint Life First Death, Joint Life Both Death, or Joint Life Last Death basis.

Why Choose Zurich Futura?

  • Guaranteed life cover, critical illness benefits, and cancer-only cover for the plan's lifetime.
  • Access to a wide range of investment funds and strategies.
  • International portability, allowing you to manage your policy even after moving out of the UAE.
  • Flexibility to adjust premiums and cover amounts, and to add or remove benefits as needed.

Click here to know the top 5 reasons why I use Zurich Futura.

What should you consider before signing on the dotted line?

  1. The premium is usually higher than the term insurance, but it offers benefits that are not available in term insurance.
  2. The premiums are reviewed every five years; they may go up if the fund performance is not up to the mark.
  3. It is more suitable for long-term protection needs and for those who are looking for forced retirement savings.

Is Zurich Futura Right for You?

Now, you might be wondering, "Is Zurich Futura the right choice for me?"

The answer lies in your unique needs, age, and budget.

But don't worry, I'm here to help you figure it out.

Even if Zurich Futura is the right fit, each policy can be finely tuned to perfectly suit your individual situation.

Book a Discovery Call for a personalised assessment and discover the perfect plan for you!

Book A Discovery Call Now

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