Damodhar Mata-Financial Advisor in Dubai

Financial Advisor in Dubai

I am Damodhar Mata

I can help you grow wealth, gain passive income, and achieve your goals faster and with ease. 

Let's connect and start building a personalized plan that turns your financial dreams into reality.


I offer bespoke investment solutions, designed to help you grow wealth while protecting the value of your investment.

Whether you're a seasoned investor or taking your first steps in the investment world, my strategies are personalized to match your individual risk tolerance, expertise, and investment horizon.

I help you manage risk efficiently through proven asset allocation and portfolio management strategies. 

Maximize Your Investments

Discover personalized investment solutions that align with your financial goals. 

Click Here To Book a Discovery Call now


Retirement Planning 

Effective retirement planning is crucial for a worry-free and comfortable future.

My services include comprehensive retirement solutions tailored to the unique requirements of expats and citizens of UAE.

I take into account various factors such as your lifestyle preferences, expected longevity, inflation and the evolving global economic landscape.

From building a retirement corpus to creating reliable income streams, my aim is to construct a retirement plan that is not only robust and secure but also adaptable to life’s changing circumstances.

Plan Your Worry-Free Retirement

Secure your future with tailored retirement solutions. Contact me today for a comfortable retirement plan.

Maximize Your Investments

Discover personalized investment solutions that align with your financial goals. Explore more about investments now.

Click Here To Book a Discovery Call now

Life & Critical Illness Insurance

Life is full of unexpected moments, some good some bad.

Having the right insurance is essential to manage certain challenges life throws at you.

I provide a range of insurance options specially designed for UAE residents.

Whether it's life insurance, critical illness cover, or complete health plans, my services are tailored to give you and your family the protection and peace of mind you need.

I'm here to help you safeguard what's most important: your health, income, your loved ones, and your future.

Secure Your Future Today

Find the right insurance to meet your protection needs. Contact me now for personalized protection plans.

Click Here To Book a Discovery Call now

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Why Seek Financial Advice in Dubai?

It is very likely that you came to UAE to earn more, save more and achieve your goals faster with ease.

It is important to make the best use of the higher disposable income(Income left after paying taxes)in the UAE. Especially when you are uncertain how long you can live and work in the UAE.

While the new visa regulations are enabling people live longer and make UAE their home, it is important to optimise your income and savings to grow wealth and build a lasting legacy.

Working with a financial advisor who can help you do more with your money and last longer can be a very good idea. Their expertise can be invaluable in navigating the unique investment landscape of Dubai-UAE, helping you make informed decisions tailored to your financial situation and goals.

Benefits of Working with a Financial Advisor in Dubai 

Benefits of Working with a Financial Advisor in Dubai (1)With so much free information on the internet and easy access to investment/insurance solutions, why should you consider working with a Financial Advisor or a Financial Planner?

Financial Planning, Investing, and life insurance can be unfamiliar and unchartered journeys for many.  As your financial advisor, I can be like the GPS, leading you through the shortest and easiest route with the least hurdles. 

The following are some of the benefits of working with me. 

    • I can Save you time and effort
    • Play the role of an Accountability Partner and a sounding board
    • Help you avoid the trial-and-error approach and unforgiving financial mistakes
    • Provide Bespoke Financial Planning and goal-based investment strategies
    • Encourages regular savings and wealth accumulation
    • Bias-Free professional advice
    • Regulated by relevant authorities 
    • Provide access to a wide range of investment and insurance solutions, which you may not have access to on your own 
    • Support with Hands-on market research and appropriate data interpretation
    • Regular reviews and portfolio rebalancing
    • Help you stay on course during adverse market and personal situations

How To Choose the Right Financial Advisor in Dubai?

Given the above benefits, to is important to choose a financial advisor, who can understand your goals, preferences and financial situation, help you build and action a plan.

Additionally you may want to consider the following;


While there are no minimum qualifications required for financial advisers in the UAE, most reputed and licensed firms stipulate one or more of the following as minimum qualification for their advisors;

Certifications from UK

  • CERT CII - A-level 3 qualification that is UK industry standard for those working in this sector. it may include the following core areas of financial advice;
    • Award in Financial Planning( CII)
    • Award in Investment Planning (CII)
    • Award in Insurance (CII)
  • International Certificate in Wealth & Investment Management (CISI) 
  • QCF Level 4 – equivalent to the first year of a university degree
    • Diploma in Financial Planning (CII)
    • Investment Advice Diploma (CISI)

Certifications from India

  • Registered Investment Advisor - SEBI Certification
  • Certified Financial Planner - CFP® certification - from FBSP
  • NISM-Series-V-A: Mutual Fund Distributors Certification

GAiM Plan - Financial Planning for UAE Residents, Gulf Expats & NRI (1)

Introducing the GAiM Plan

With more than a decade's experience in helping people plan win with money, I have designed the GAiM Plan.

A Comprehensive Financial Planning, Investment Advisory, & Portfolio Management System. It helps you build a future you would want to live in!


The GAIM Plan includes the following steps;

1. G- The GPS:  Let's pinpoint exactly where you are with your money and set clear goals for where you're headed. Goal Positioning System.

2. A - Action Plan: Think of reaching your financial goals like eating an elephant - one small bite at a time. I'll guide you through manageable steps, making sure each move is clear and achievable.

3. I - Implementation: It's time to turn plans into action. Don't let the quest for perfection or overthinking hold you back. I'll be with you, using the best strategies and tools to kickstart your investments.

4. M - Measure to Manage: With the plan in motion, we'll regularly check your progress and tweak strategies as needed. It's all about staying on track and adapting to ensure continual growth.

Want a bespoke financial plan and investment strategies to increase your net-worth and legacy?

Further reading