New Year Resolution Guide Setting and Achieving Goals in 2014

At the beginning of each year, we get all charged up. Put together a list of resolutions, hoping to achieve them during the year.

By the end of January, we are so caught up with day to day activities that we lose focus and run out of steam.Failing to achieve goals

No wonder 92% of new year resolutions end in failures and more than 25% of resolutions are broken in the first week itself!!!.

Is 2014 going to be any different, how do we make sure that we set, maintain and achieve our goals in 2014?

The answer lies in understanding the power of goals, backing it up with absolute faith, a burning desire and setting up appropriate systems to monitor and review goals at regular intervals.

Understanding Goals and the Goal setting

The battle is all over except the 'shouting' when one knows what is wanted and has made up his mind to get it, whatever the price may besays Napoleon Hill, the author of the famous book "Think and Grow Rich".

Through this quote he illustrates the power of goals, and the need to back them up with willingness to do whatever it takes.

The process of making up one's mind to achieve a defined result( Goal), and being prepared to pay what ever price necessary is called goal setting.

Goal Categories

While goals can be classified into various categories, I reckon that the following 6 are the basic categories of goals when achieved, can help us lead a fulfilled life

What the are goal categories?

Blending Faith

"FAITH is the element which transforms the ordinary vibration of thought, created by the finite mind of man, into the spiritual equivalent". Napoleon Hill

The lack of faith in our abilities and the possibility of achieving our goals is perhaps the most important factor, due to which we shy away from doing whatever it takes, lose focus, fail and blame fate and everything possible for our failure.

What is Faith?

FAITH is a state of mind which may be induced, or created, by affirmation or repeated instructions to the subconscious mind, through the principle of auto-suggestion.

When your subconscious mind starts believing that you can achieve, whatever you aim for, it will act upon that belief and it will supply you with all the faith and tools required to achieve the desired goals

To know in detail on how to create faith through auto-suggestion principles, I recommend you to read " Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill.

This book is considered to be the grand daddy of all success books. 

Think and grow rich

Tools for Goal Setting

1. The Habit Factor®, Habits & Goals Tracker: Set Goals, Align Habits to Reach Your Goals, Achieve New Year's Resolutions

"With regular use of The Habit Factor®, you can develop any habit necessary to achieve any goal you set for yourself." ~Brian Tracy

The Habit Factor® is the ONLY app to feature HABIT ALIGNMENT TECHNOLOGY™ enabling you to achieve more in less time by aligning numerous critical habits to your goals! The Habit Factor® (Daily Habits & Goals Tracker / Productivity) - Equilibrium Enterprises, IncThink and grow rich app

  • The ONLY app with Habit Alignment Technology™ Proven, innovative process to align habits to goals to achieve your goals faster!
  • The ONLY app that recognizes, appreciates and understands the DIFFERENCE between HABITS & GOALS!


2. Todomatrix : ToDoMatrix Professional combines the best practices of David Allen's Getting Things Done

(GTD), Stephen Covey's First Things First, Goal Setting, and tracking Delegated Tasks with the extraordinarily-capable Apple iPhone.

ToDoMatrix helps you set customized goals, plan and breakdown various activities related to the goal and stay organized so that you get more of the best things done.

Itunes App Store

It helps you focus on one activity at a time, while reminding you all the other activities with flexible alerts. Stay calm and focused on the tasks that matter most and achieve your goals.

  • 2. focusing on tasks that really matter, in the present day and your present location,
  • 3. reducing your stress by taking most tasks out of your mind and into a trusted system that keeps the data safe.

3. Think and Grow Rich The App, Ebook and Video 

So you have read the book Think & Grow Rich but you don't know where to start?

Think and Grow Rich Iphone App

Here is the answer you've been looking for.

This app takes the core principles of Think and grow Rich and forces you to apply them.

Focused primarily around auto-suggestion, you simply enter your goal, what service you are willing to give in exchange for your goal and the date by which you will have met your goals. This app will then automatically generate your personal goal statement AND automatically display them before you sleep and as you wake up. In addition, you are able to add photos of your goals and track how often you've viewed you goal slideshow.

Think & Grow Rich iPhone is now available to download from the iTunes Store and the android play store  

Now you have the strategy, and the tools, search for a quite and secluded place, I prefer the Kino's Cafe inside Book World/ Kinokuniya, Dubai Mall.

You choose your favorite spot, sit down and set goals, plans and related activities for 2014.

Wishing you a Merry Christmas, and great success in achieving all your goals in 2014 and all your life.

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