Capital Protected Regular Saving Plans from LIC International

LIC International offers attractive Regular Saving Plans with Capital Guarantee and Bonus based returns in UAE.

They are an offshore subsidiary of Life Insurance Corporation of India(LIC), Licensed and Regulated by the UAE Insurance Authority.

Unlike Market Linked or Unit Linked Savings Plans, these plans offer lower but stable returns on the capital invested.

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LIC International has a consistent history of declaring annual bonus since 1990. Click here to view the bonus history.

 The following is the list of Regular Saving Plans from LIC International in UAE; 

Participating Endowment Plan (PEN)

 An Endowment plan offering an exceptional blend of life cover, optional Accidental death benefit and Sum Assured on Maturity along with vested bonus.

This program is ideal when saving for retirement or any other long term goal, as it provides a simple life cover during the term of the plan, and provides a decent growth in US Dollar denomination. Click here to know more about Participating Endowment Plan (PEN)

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The premium and the returns depend on the age of the investor and the length of the plan.

Regular Cash Flow Plan

The Regular Cashflow Plan can help you grow wealth & create a regular cash flow for a specific number of years or build a legacy for your loved ones. It can be customised to suit your budget, financial goals and cash-flow needs.

LIC International Regular Cashflow or Income Plan 1

It also provides Life cover and optional Accidental Death Benefit, helping you create a legacy for your loved ones.

Click here to know more about this plan.

Participating Marriage and Education Plan (PME)

A plan offering high bonus and dual insurance cover.

It pays the Sum Assured along with vested bonus on maturity of the policy.

In the unfortunate event of the death of the insured, the plan pays out the Sum Assured immediately, and on the Maturity date, it again pays the Sum Assured with a vested bonus.


This policy is ideal when saving for your children's education or marriage. It can be availed either as a regular savings plans or as a lump sum investment.

The lump sum variant with a long-term maturity provides very high returns.

Professional Education Plan (PEP)

As the name suggests, this plan is ideal for saving for your children's higher education. This program is unique because it offers not only capital guarantee, but it also provides assured returns, which are fixed at the time of availing the plan.

It pays out the maturity proceeds in 6 years starting from age 18 of your child. Click here to know more about Professional Education Plan (PEP)

Deferred Annuity Plan with and without life cover

Regular Saving Plans

This is annuity plan, which allows you to build capital while you are working by paying regular premiums. On maturity of the policy, you can choose to either

  • Receive the Sum Assured along with vested bonus
  • Or receive annuity until death and the sum assured plus bonus is paid to your beneficiary on death

Click here to know more about Deferred Annuity Plan without life cover

Click here to know more about Single Premium Deferred Annuity plan with Guaranteed Pension for life. 

Cash Back or Money Back Plans

As the name suggests, this plan provides a regular cash back to address short to medium term financial goals.


It has three cash back options;

Cash Back 12

  • 20% of Sum Assured after four years
  • 20% of Sum Assured after eight years
  • 60% of Sum Assured after 12 years + Bonus for full sum assured as on the date of maturity.

Cash Back 15

  • 25% of Sum Assured after five years
  • 25% of Sum Assured after ten years
  • 50% of Sum Assured after 15 years + Bonus for full sum assured as on the date of maturity.

Cash Back 18

  • 25% of Sum Assured after five years
  • 25% of Sum Assured after ten years
  • 25% of Sum Assured after 15 years
  • 25% of Sum Assured after 18 years + Bonus for full sum assured as on the date of maturity.

In addition to the above LIC International also has the following Guaranteed Return plans;

In addition to the endowment and Plans, LIC International also provides - Healthee - Term Insurance with Critical Illness Cover and hospitalization benefits.

How to choose the best Investment Plan?

Read the following posts to know more about investing in UAE;

Or contact me to arrange a Free Initial meeting, and I can help you choose the best regular savings plan based on your investment goals/needs, risk appetite, and investment horizon.

As Qualified and independent financial adviser with more than ten years experience in UAE, I work with many insurance and investment providers; hence I can provide unbiased advice.

Click Here to Arrange a Free Consultation

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