Financial Planning in Dubai

Day 4 - GPS - The Goal Positioning System. - FPiD

Written by Damodhar Mata | 11-Jan-2023 12:50:00

The new year has just started, and you are probably back to your daily grind. 

Many of you would have completed goal setting for 2023. While some of you are still thinking about them, the rest see no benefit in setting goals.

Here is an exciting and essential goal-setting activity for your long-term financial future.

Today you will expand your horizon much beyond 2023 and plan to build a future you would want to live in. 

Welcome to the Day 4 of the Win With Money Challenge.

The GPS - Goal Positioning System.

Just like the GPS on your phone or car, you enter where you are and where you want to go; to find the quickest and shortest route. We are going to do something similar with your financial journey. 


The first two days of the challenge helped you determine where you stand with your money. What is your income? What are your expenses, assets, liabilities, and net worth?

Today we will determine where you want to be, not just at the end of this year but in your distant future. 

You will start by visualizing where, when, and how you want to be 10, 15, 20, or more years from now.

So Let's begin. 

Visualizing the Future 

People often set goals based on their current situation. They map their future based on the level of thinking and resources available today, so they usually don't go big.

Instead, think about where you ideally want to be in the future.

Steve Jobs was a big fan of this idea. He always planned based on where he wanted Apple to be in the future, instead of planning based on where it was then.

Source: Yahoo Sports 

Think Big. Don't worry about how you will get there while doing this exercise. Just focus on the where. We will address how in the rest of the challenge. 

To make this task easy, I have created The "Defining My Ideal Retirement" template.

Click here to download the template, and complete it to get clarity on when, where, and how you want to retire.

Also, you can plan the other important goals you want to achieve before retirement. 

When you complete today's task, you will clearly know your ideal retirement/ financial independence and the other key goals you want to achieve before then. 

Feel free to contact me by leaving a comment on our Facebook group.

See you tomorrow with another exciting and insightful activity of finding patterns.